31 October 2006
30 October 2006
A woman's 50 rules for men
2.Don’t lie.
3.Don't put her down.
4.If guys' night out is going to be fun, invite the girls.
5.If guys' night out is going to involve strippers, remember the zoo rules, “no petting.”
6.The correct answer to, “Do I look fat?” is never, ever yes.
7.Ditto for, “Is she prettier then me.”
8.Victoria’s secret is good. Frederick’s of Hollywood is bad.
9.Ordering for her is good. Telling her what she wants is bad.
10.Being attentive is good. Stalking is bad.
11."Sweet heart" is good. "Hey," is bad.
12.Talking is good. Shouting is bad. Slapping is a felony.
13.A grunt is not an acceptable answer to any question.
14.None of your ex-girlfriends were ever nicer, prettier, or better in bed.
15.Her cooking is excellent - so tell her.
16.But that isn’t an excuse for you to avoid cooking.
17.Dish soap is your friend.
18.Hat does not equal shower, aftershave does not equal soap, and warm does not equal clean.
19.Buying her dinner does not equal foreplay.
20.Answering, “Who was that on the phone?” with, “Nobody,” is never going to end that conversation.
21.Ditto for, “Whose lipstick is this?”
22.Two words: clean socks.
23.Believe it or not, you’re not more attractive when you’re drunk.
24.Burping is not sexy.
25.You’re wrong!
26.You’re sorry!
27.She is less impressed by your discourse on your cool car than you think she is.
28.Ditto for your discourses on football, politics and global warming.
29.Ditto for your abilty to jump up and hit any awning in a single bound.
30.“Will you marry me?” is good. “Let’s shack up together" is bad.
31.Don’t assume PMS is the cause for every bad mood.
32.Don’t assume PMS doesn’t exist.
33.No means no. Yes means yes. Silence means anything she feels like at that moment, and it can change without notice.
4.“But we kiss...” is not justification for using her toothbrush. You don’t clean plaque with your tongue.
35.Never let her walk anywhere alone after 11pm.
36.Chivalry and feminism are not mutually exclusive.
37.Pick her up at the airport - don’t whine - just do it.
38.If you want to break up with her - break up with her. Don’t act like a complete ass until she does it for you.
39.Don’t tell her you love her if you don’t.
40.Tell you love her if you do - often.
41.Always suck up to her brother.
42.Lose the gut.
43.Stand up straight.
44.Remember Valentine’s Day and any other anniversary she names.
45.Don’t try to change the way she dresses.
46.Her haircut is never bad.
47.Don’t let your friends pick on her.
48.Don't let any man diss her.
49.Don't borrow money from her.
50.Stay employed.
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29 October 2006
Make the most of today
Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?
Each of us has such a bank. It's name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow." You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running!! Make the most of today.
To realise the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realise the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realise the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.To realise the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realise the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who just missed a train.
To realise the value of ONE SECOND, ask someone who just avoided an accident.
To realise the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal at the Olympics.
Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. And remember time waits for no one.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present.
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28 October 2006
27 October 2006
26 October 2006
Chinese Thousand Hands Dance
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Marriage Astrology
A bit too much togetherness. The may both be too conscientious and domesticated. When they are too alike, they could suffer from overexposure to each other's personality. Mr. Rat could be more easygoing than Mrs. Rat here, who may have an inclination to be fussy and bossy. Two worldly and calculating signs who may watch each other rather intently and not like the close-up picture they see.
Rat Husband and Ox Wife
A happy combination. The affectionate Rat husband will be very attractive to his security conscious wife. He is a good provider, which is the chief requisite in her book. She, on the other hand, is more than dutiful, competent and reliable. She will love attending to all his needs and will keep his house in order. Under this arrangement, they will no doubt admire each other's qualities and each will do more than his or her fair share. The ardently demonstrative Rat could make the Ox lady more responsive and less obstinate.
Rat Husband and Tiger Wife
He is success-oriented and a home and family man. She is affectionate and generous but very unconventional. They will have a lot in common as they are both sociable, active and have many interests. He will seek power and riches and she loves the prestige and recognition it provides. However, he could be resentful of her unpredictable manners and she may criticize him for being niggardly at times. But both are basically optimists and will try to work out their differences or call it quits.
Rat Husband and Rabbit Wife
This match may not bring out the best in each party. Both are charming and pleasant but not selfless and dedicated individuals. They could be friendly and sincere but constant coexistence may create a strain on both of them. He is possessive and romantic and she tends to be too passive in her response to him. Expectations on either side may be greatly reduced in the final accounting.
Rat Husband and Dragon Wife
These two share courage and determination and will find a bright and rewarding future together. They will not try to restrict each other unduly and the Rat will find his Dragon wife an admirable companions if she is not overbearing. Both are very competent and have enough self-assurance to trust the other. They will look at the brighter side of life and enjoy a very gratifying relationship.
Rat Husband and Snake Wife
A union made up of two possessive partners who are realistic enough to make all the necessary adjustments if they find much to admire in each other. The Rat man will value the Snake's brilliance and tenacity while she finds him ambitious and clever enough to set up house with. Of these two materialistic and performance-conscious parties, he may be the more adaptable and easygoing. She is cautious and he could rely on her excellent ability to sniff out those traps. The Snake also finds the Rat's devotion very touching and will respond passionately.
Rat Husband and Horse Wife
Both have independent and active spirits. But he will be very irked by her restlessness and inconsistency. She, on the other hand, will be unhappy and nervous with all his bickering ways. They cannot appreciate each other's way of thinking and may not try hard to work together.
Rat Husband and Sheep Wife
The Rat may not like setting up house with an oversensitive and impractical Sheep lady. She, on the other hand, will respond only when she is pampered and indulged. The prudent Rat may conclude that she is too expensive to maintain and she may find him too calculating and greedy to suit her tastes Neither of them is openly combative but they could harbor deep resentments and be very frustrated and dissatisfied by doing so.
Rat Husband and Monkey Wife
Strongly compatible as he will fall for her charm and ingenuity and she will find his go-getter attitude very admirable. They are both achievement-conscious and will push each other up the ladder of success. They are not hypersensitive and can accept each other's faults with understanding. They could work together or choose separate paths or careers without any trouble. Likewise, they will be able to smooth out any rough spots in their relationship.
Rat Husband and Rooster Wife
Will not blend together well. She appraises him critically and finds him wanting. She means well and feels obligated to call his attentions to all his shortcomings. He finds her eccentric and overly analytical ways very annoying. He cannot avoid resenting this and feeling hurt. He wants a doting wife, not a psychiatrist. She is surprised he is resentful and labels him ungrateful.
Rat Husband and Dog Wife
Both are peace loving and independent. He can be hard working and energetic and she will be loyal and tactful. The Dog wife is warm and responsive and the Rat husband is charming and equally affectionate. The danger in this match is that they may both do too much compromising and end up with a too bland relationship that makes them uninterested in each other.
Rat Husband and Boar Wife
Both have a great zest for life. They will find each other attractive physically as well as mentally. But both signs are too optimistic and imprudent and thy may just push their luck too far. Neither has enough willpower to apply the brakes and provide a stabilizing force to the union. They need something concrete to seal the marriage.
Ox Husband and Rat Wife
He is always dependable enough to bring home the bacon and she is loving and doting enough to cook it just the way he likes it. Very satisfying and rewarding union. He is strong, silent, loves being fussed over, and admired by his outgoing wife, and she is content with the security and stability he provides. Both will have few complaints.
Ox Husband and Ox Wife
Both members of this team are serious and industrious to a dismal extent. Neither is lively enough to provide some respite from all that work they have planned. An extremely reserved and civil union of two security-conscious subjects who are both pessimistic and strong-willed. They may end up showing each other too much of their negative sides.
Ox Husband and Tiger Wife
He is interested in personal success and achievement; she is interested in herself before anything else. He is practical, well organized and stable; she finds him too predictable and dour. The Tiger wife can be very temperamental if she feels neglected, while the Ox cannot stand tantrums and will not tolerate her fussing over nothing. They are on different wavelengths. The reserved Buffalo will be shocked by the Tiger's unrestrained and passionate display of emotions. She on the other hand will be frustrated by his coldness and may need a more warm-blooded and responsive partner.
Ox Husband and Rabbit Wife
The Rabbit finds the Ox steady, realistic and dependable while the Ox sees her as sociable, sympathetic and feminine. However, he can be very exacting and will criticize her for her lack of discipline and she will respond by becoming withdrawn and oversensitive. But getting to know each other may be well worth an effort in this marriage, as both of them could sustain a satisfying relationship if they can adjust a bit.
Ox Husband and Dragon Wife
Will not be an entirely harmonious union. He is slow and deliberate, too methodical for the pioneering and dynamic likes of the fiery and excitable Dragon woman. He could make her more persevering, but she will still be imprudent and daring at times. It's possible she can enliven him with her optimism or drive him further away. He can be a cold and unemotional loner while she needs fun, friends and variety. Both these strong personalities will have to respect and admire each other a great deal before they agree to make any adjustments to each other.
Ox Husband and Snake Wife
A very enduring and happy combination. The Ox has high standards of achievement and the Snake wife is equally ambitious and materialistic. She will be appreciating of the luxury and comforts he can provide. He finds her very well mannered and presentable -- and astute in financial matters as well. Both will be happy fulfilling their part of the relationship. He will be a source of strength for her and she will be his pride and joy.
Ox Husband and Horse Wife
Not many favorable aspects for this match. She is carefree and uninhibited and he is industrious and down to earth. He wants a well-organized and pleasant home and she is too restless and busy to stay pinned down. She needs freedom and diversion. He cannot comprehend her instability and lack of devotion to him. Difficult for either to find completes harmony.
Ox Husband and Sheep Wife
She can organize an artistic and comfortable nest for him while he acts as her defender. But he is prudent and persevering while she is sentimental and capricious. He accumulates and she spends. The Ox is strong and decisive; she is weak and insecure. She loves being sheltered and reassured, but Mr. Ox may not be so obliging as he expects a great deal from others and his Sheep wife will become depressed when he exacts too much discipline and self-denial from her. Both may find the going rough at times.
Ox Husband and Monkey Wife
Both are self-assured and know what they want. And what they want may not be each other. He is simple, serious and matters of fact. She is attractive, complicated and self-centered. They both love success and money but they have entirely different ideas on how to attain success and how to spend the money. Mrs. Monkey is quite accomplished and independent and not as security-minded as he. She could find him becoming tyrannical when she takes his orders lightly while he cannot quite get her to pay him the respect and admiration he craves. If he flaunts his authority, she will enrage him -- by laughing in his face. Neither will ever succeed in subordinating the other.
Ox Husband and Rooster Wife
Both are hard-working and industrious. He values self-respect and devotion to duty and his competent and conscientious Rooster wife will certainly win his admiration. They both love analyzing and organizing, and neither is too easily hurt or sensitive about criticism. They can be objective and methodical in managing the office as well as the household. Both love simple pleasures and intellectual pursuits and will excel in specialized fields. She doesn't mind his exacting nature, as she is very attentive to details; he on the other hand will take her criticism constructively and not feel reproached. A happy and contented pair.
Ox Husband and Dog Wife
He looks for money and prestige; he abhors dependency. She is generous, open-minded and a loyal ally. But he could be too Spartan and domineering for his friendly and communicative wife. She will be tough, outspoken and touchy if he pushes her too hard. She could find him too rigid and aloof for her tastes and he may find her questioning mind and cynical logic hard to swallow. Otherwise, they might enjoy each other's company.
Ox Husband and Boar Wife
They will make the best of each other's outstanding qualities. He is serious, well mannered and success-oriented while she is patient, self-sacrificing and devoted. He is hard working and she trusts enough to support and encourage him every step of the way. Her tastes may be richer than his may and she is more sensual and demonstrative. However, she will be understanding of his needs and help make him less reticent and stubborn.
Tiger Husband and Rat Wife
Not much togetherness in this marriage. He is too hotheaded and imperious for the domesticated and sentimental Rat. She can be considerate and thoughtful only when appreciated and he is too impatient and involved with himself. He finds her petty and too possessive and demanding. Both parties will be dissatisfied with the other's performance.
Tiger Husband and Ox Wife
A clash of temperaments. He is the nonconformist, the activist and the defiant rebel. She loves tradition, respects authority and is conservative in her behavior. They are two stubborn individuals who are 180 degrees apart. It will be difficult for them to find common grounds to equate their varying outlooks on life.
Tiger Husband and Tiger Wife
They are attractive, vibrant and charming and may have a great deal in common. However, both are equally rebellious, stubborn and quick on the draw when displeased and there could be a strain in their household from bruised egos. Both need a lot of personal freedom. They may be able to patch up their differences as they have excellent senses of humor, but the family budget may have a perpetual hole in it, as these are two big spenders.
Tiger Husband and Rabbit Wife
The demure Rabbit may be attracted to the rugged and appealing Tiger man but when she takes a closer look she may be frightened by his impulsiveness and daring. He on the other hand cannot appreciate her moody and worrying nature. She is rational and opportunistic while he is led by his feelings and has little need for diplomacy and tact. She is polite and sensitive. He is loud and spontaneous. Both will have to make a major effort to put up with each other's idiosyncrasies.
Tiger Husband and Dragon Wife
Both are energetic, ambitious and brave. They could over stimulate each other in the process. With both of them being innovative and daring, there may be no one left to finish the job after his or her mutual initial enthusiasm fades away. The Dragon wife has aspirations for leadership and will fight the Tiger for dominance. He will let her get away with some things so long as she does not restrict his actions and expect him to be docile. They will only cooperate successfully after much adjustment on both sides.
Tiger Husband and Snake Wife
Each will question the other's motives and only notice the negative traits. The wise and practical Snake will find the Tiger husband directly opposed to her sensible course of action. He finds her jealous, over possessive and too philosophical. She cannot comprehend his love for courting disaster. She may be financially shrewd but he is overgenerous and a spendthrift. They cannot accomplish very much together.
Tiger Husband and Horse Wife
Well-balanced and harmonious pair. They are outgoing, fiery and spirited. But while the Tiger fights for a cause, the practical Horse wife will direct both their energies to more rewarding pursuits. He will like her quick and intelligent mind and she can steer him toward worthwhile objectives. Neither is domesticated enough to be too possessive. He is thoughtful and affectionate when humored, and she is flexible enough to put up with his unpredictability. They will have a passionate relationship and much need for each other's company.
Tiger Husband and Sheep Wife
He is outgoing, involved, and vivacious. She is domesticated, sensitive and clinging. He will be companionable but cannot devote himself exclusively to her needs and finds her too dependent and indecisive. She is basically understanding but could wallow in self-pity if she finds him curt, impatient and unconcerned about her trivial complaints. Each will have to adjust to the other's ways before they can make this marriage work.
Tiger Husband and Monkey Wife
They live in different worlds. Although they are sociable, energetic and outgoing, the temperamental Tiger will dislike the competitive Monkey because she is too intelligent and too sure of herself to be intimidated by his loud dramatics. He is productive and forceful only when given the center of the stage. If the Monkey lady demands equal billing, he could feel hemmed in and very resentful. Both are lavish spenders but the Monkey is more prudent and clever about finance. This mixture of two inconstant and self-possessed personalities is just too overwhelming to do either of them any good.
Tiger Husband and Rooster Wife
She is too smart, well informed and critical to put up with the dynamic but overreacting Tiger man. Her nagging and faultfinding ways and her love for detail upset him. He is openhanded, generous and outspoken while she is efficient, thrifty and methodical. He is idealistic where she is a keen intellectual. One is unconventional and ruled by his heart, the other is eccentric but ruled by her head. Both are very engrossed in them and will be unhappy and irritated by the other.
Tiger Husband and Dog Wife
An ideal marriage combination of two charming, attractive and humanitarian signs. He is passionate and animated. She is loyal, understanding and helpful. The Tiger is impulsive and impatient, the Dog is logical and clear-headed enough to advise him without getting personal. He admires and respects her loyalty and good sense and she will not try to monopolize his affections. Each is warm and responsive to the other's needs without invading his or her privacy. A very satisfactory arrangement for both sides.
Tiger Husband and Boar Wife
These two dedicated and inspired individuals will work more energetically for the goals of others than their won. Together they will make a happy team; the Boar will be tirelessly devoted to the idealistic pursuits of the Tiger, and he will admire her courage and stamina. Although she can be trusting and congenial, she will make him more materialistic because of her taste for luxury. They are sensual, uninhibited and passionate in love. Both can brush aside little differences and will enjoy journeying through life hand in hand.
Rabbit Husband and Rat Wife
The Rat is sociable, active and crafty. The Rabbit has a mild disposition and is not inclined to strenuous activity and involvement like his gregarious and entertaining wife. But both love home life and are realistic about their goals. She can be devoted and outgoing enough to brighten up his moods. A responsible and good match.
Rabbit Husband and Ox Wife
The Rabbit is gentle, sagacious, and receptive to ideas and the feelings of others. The Ox wife may be lacking the emotion and sensitivity to understand his refined personality. He can be acquisitive, indulgent and selfish. She can be pragmatic, but virtuous and well disciplined. Both could supply each other with missing attributes if they sincerely care enough to cooperate.
Rabbit Husband and Tiger Wife
The Rabbit is imaginative and docile, inclined toward mental and creative endeavors. The lady Tiger is dramatic, sensuous and electric. She may be too strong and colorful for the quiet and impeccable Rabbit. On the other hand, she finds him impersonal and lacking in emotions. He could help her solve her problems but she may be too inattentive to listen. She could build up his confidence and assertiveness but he is not too keen on her method of teaching. They tend not to mix well together as, in the final analysis, what one likes, the other shuns.
Rabbit Husband and Rabbit Wife
Will cohabit peacefully and quietly. Both are calm and intelligent enough to do whatever is practical and necessary. However, they can only gratify each other to a point, as they tend to perform what is essential and not much more. This is because the Rabbit is basically not selfless and serving. Matrimony for them will have to be a well-thought-out affair with equal sharing of responsibilities. There will be some snags when either one starts to think he is bearing a little more of the weight than he should. They are both gifted and intuitive but may neglect to encourage each other.
Rabbit Husband and Dragon Wife
She is independent, vivacious and cheerful. He is capable but introverted and calculating. She could lift his spirits and make him more ambitious in his objectives. He could teach her a think or two about diplomacy and fine manners. He doesn't mind her assuming the dominant role because he knows in the end she will seek his excellent advice. He is competent and kind and she has a backbone strong enough for both of them. A realistic and positive combination in marriage.
Rabbit Husband and Snake Wife
They are compatible to a good degree if they can enhance each other's stronger points. He has great potential, vision and tact. She is always determined to succeed and approves of his materialistic aims. Although they will both have the same refined tastes and inherent love for ease and beauty, the Snake could be too ardent and demanding for the Rabbit's superficial type of involvement. On the dark side, both are philosophical and meditative and all lines of communication could be severed should they decide to be negative.
Rabbit Husband and Horse Wife
They may find it difficult and apt to consider things very carefully before passing judgment. Her emotions and intuitions govern her. They are either too practical or too self-absorbed to make any great effort at adjusting to each other. His deliberation and sensitivity bore her; he finds her thoughtless, inconstant and mercenary. One prefers rest and solitude; the other is constantly on the go. This union could never work at such different paces.
Rabbit Husband and Sheep Wife
Each is receptive to the vibrations of the other partner. The Rabbit appreciates her compassionate and sensitive ways and she finds him kind, astute and sagacious enough to make their decisions. Her dependence could make him feel more important and purposeful. He is a good listener and she needs sympathy and advice more than action. Both are romantic and affectionate and will enjoy domestic bliss.
Rabbit Husband and Monkey Wife
Some hostilities may develop in this sort of a marriage. She is gay, self-assured and proud of her accomplished wit. He may feel humbled by her and she will hate his anxiety and brooding. Both have the ability to see through others and when they look into one another, they may not find anything that fascinating. These two realistic individuals will not cooperate unless both have something substantial to gain from such a commitment.
Rabbit Husband and Rooster Wife
He would like to be catered to and served rather than serve. She is too straightforward, meticulous and efficient to put up with his whimsical requests Both are knowledgeable but eccentric. He broods in dark silence while she will make up a long list of his faults and publish it. They could make life very uncomfortable for each other.
Rabbit Husband and Dog Wife
A beneficial and very agreeable combination. Both parties will only make reasonable demands on each other and come out feeling satisfied and fulfilled. The Dog will be loyal and affectionate to the Rabbit even when he is indifferent and moody. She admires his suave and diplomatic ways and he can rely on her support and logical assessment of situations. She is the more positive of the two and will encourage and pep him up when he is depressed. On the other hand, he is always considerate and sensitive enough to know what is bothering her.
Rabbit Husband and Boar Wife
These two will be interesting and sympathetic to each other. He is talented and astute and ca negotiates his way out of trouble. She admires him for his aplomb and refined ways and will meet him more than halfway. She is dependable, generous and obedient and he will find her devotion very touching and will be drawn to her unselfishness. Neither of them is given to faultfinding; rather they will be content to count their blessings, especially in such a rewarding union.
Dragon Husband and Rat Wife
The Dragon will find his wife's loyalty and optimism endearing. The lady Rat will follow her hero to the ends of the earth. He is magnanimous while she is thrifty and resourcefulness. He could make a lot of money and blow it but she is likely to have stored some of it away for a rainy day. She is talkative and lively but always agreeable to letting him play the boss. A fruitful and lasting union.
Dragon Husband and Ox Wife
Both are dutiful but stubborn. This factor could make or break the marriage. He works for glory and recognition while she has to see the material benefits. If his ventures do not turn up hard cash, she could be harsh and unsympathetic. He is exciting and extroverted while she can be too conforming and conservative. He needs love and admiration; she can be cold and undemonstrative. A good deal of compromising needed. But if both parties try hard and succeed, they will be immensely proud of and dedicated to each other.
Dragon Husband and Tiger Wife
Not a quiet, conventional and uneventful marriage at all. Both partners are progressive, pioneering and active. They could provide each other stimulating company if they understand their basic individual need for freedom and expression. The Tiger wife may respect and adore her Dragon spouse but will never give her own identity. He will be in trouble if he tries to give her obedience training. Both are quick-tempered and will resist being dominated. An adventurous marriage if they can maintain a workable balance.
Dragon Husband and Rabbit Wife
She needs his strength and daring while he relies on her competence and companionship. He is forceful and outspoken; she is indulgent but tactful. She will manage an artistic and restful home for him. She is adaptable but moody and defenseless; he serves as her warrior and protector. A good marriage if they strive for their common welfare, not allowing petty or calculating concerns to interfere.
Dragon Husband and Dragon Wife
Not a very peaceful arrangement unless they first agree on their goals. Both are individualistic, strong-willed and aggressive. Mrs. Dragon will not like to be overshadowed; in fact, she may be more assertive than he. Mr. Dragon is masterful and expects to have control, but in this case he may have to surrender some of his rights. Both partners will be wise to maintain their own careers to avoid suppressing each other.
Dragon Husband and Snake Wife
A fulfilling and stimulating relationship if these two diverse personalities can adjust to each other. He is active, impulsive and domineering. She is sensual, unhurried and lover of ease. As he is always geared to work and success, she can impart to him some of her tenacity and common sense. She may have finer business acumen than he or will at least handle the family finances well. They can both build a sound foundation for their home.
Dragon Husband and Horse Wife
The Horse lady will be clever and resourceful enough to stretch whatever income Mr. Dragon brings home. But the serious Dragon may find her restless and not too crazy about a steady diet of housework. Life will be more fruitful and delightful for both if they live in the city and Mrs. Horse keeps a job as well as manages her home. Actually, both parties perform better when given variety and freedom. The constantly aspiring Dragon will find his wife's practicality very profitable, while she finds him strong and reliable.
Dragon Husband and Sheep Wife
May not turn out to be such an appealing pair. They will live harmoniously only after much effort. He is adventurous and independent while emotions and her moods rule her. She loves home and family but he may not care to be so domesticated. She cries easily and he finds it hard to express the sympathy and gentleness she craves. He is ambitious and decisive where she is artistic and intuitive. He is the knight in shining armor who will love helping a lady in distress, but not if she is going to make habit of it.
Dragon Husband and Monkey Wife
An ideal match romantically and mentally. He is drawn to her magnetism and she admires his leadership. They are both ambitious and above-average performers. They will shine together beautifully. Combined, these two will look for new worlds to conquer and explore. Both are socially inclined and will probably maintain a beautiful home and entertain a lot.
Dragon Husband and Rooster Wife
Could achieve a great deal of togetherness but will have to smooth out some rough edges first. Her discriminating and at times callous remarks could often deflate his super ego. He is dynamic and full of energy while she is efficient, economical and critical. Both will be happier if they agree on what areas each should control. Mentally they are on equal intellectual levels but they should not try to overpower each other with their accomplishments.
Dragon Husband and Dog Wife
Many disputes because of the wide gap in basic temperaments. They are both aggressive and forceful but in different ways. He loves freedom and will act independently while she demands cooperation and unflagging loyalty. Subconsciously each may be trying to attain the attributes of the other that he or she lacks. However, they don't have the basic understanding of how to go about it. Both signs are proud and willful when challenged. Neither will want to give in easily or lose face. A great many modifications needed for this marriage to work; perhaps too many.
Dragon Husband and Boar Wife
A successful and stable union. The Boar wife will always encourage and support her ambitious Dragon mate. He is impulsive while she is patient and enduring. He is fighter and she loves to be the peacemaker. They will have no trouble cooperating for the same goals. She will devote all her energy to whatever he undertakes. He can have the limelight so long as he makes her feel needed. He is the daredevil and she will uncomplainingly help him up every time he falls. Both will be intensely romantic.
Snake Husband and Rat Wife
An aspiring and covetous pair who will never stop moving upward. This could be a profitable union if they have the right attitude and agree on fixed priorities. The Rat girl is sociable and very charming and will dote on her ambitious but introverted spouse, although she craves more togetherness than he is prepared to give. Both are resourceful and shrewd enough to make their marriage a big success provided they do not let their petty jealousies get in the way. They should not keep secrets from each other.
Snake Husband and Ox Wife
Both parties here are cautious and selective and will find that they made a good decision in choosing each other. They are both down to earth and dignified and share the same beliefs and driving ambition. He is tenacious and scheming; she is disciplined, orderly, protective of family, and home. They can both rely on each other in a crisis. In a marriage such as this one, the Snake will elearnto confide in the tight-lipped Ox and she will stand by him against all adversities. They can look forward to a happy life together.
Snake Husband and Tiger Wife
A difficult and upsetting relationship for both side. They cannot understand or overlook each other's frailties. Both signs are passionate and deeply suspicious. They cannot ever really trust each other. The Snake is refined, intellectual and constant. The Tiger wife is altruistic, lively and idealistic. The self-contained Snake finds her to unconventional, stimulating and outspoken. She, on the other hand, is resentful of his secretiveness, aloof behavior and intense ambition. They speak entirely different languages and cannot communicate.
Snake Husband and Rabbit Wife
The Snake is forceful and dominant and the well-bred Rabbit will be receptive to his way of thinking. Both share the same exclusive and refined preferences and these two can strike a harmonious chord mentally and romantically. However, these signs are also basically not so obliging. They may neglect each other in their search for self-expression and gratification of their desires. However, the Rabbit is not as possessive as the Snake and will not mind very much if he gets wrapped up in his work or cannot pay her too much attention. She will be content so long as he provides her with a lovely home and pays all the bills. A relatively peaceful combination.
Snake Husband and Dragon Wife
He is loving but possessive and complicated. She is generous, open and excitable. He is careful and deliberate in his actions. She may have to struggle with him to put across her views. Some friction is bound to develop in the marriage but secretly the Dragon female longs for someone wiser and more dominating than she does. The Snake will not only provide a stabilizing force for the union but he will admire the ambition and enthusiasm of his Dragon wife. Together they could surge forward with greater determination. A helpful and constructive alliance.
Snake Husband and Snake Wife
Both will be on the same wavelength and communicate well together especially when they are involved with the same project. They won't cling to each other too much, as they are both independent thinkers. In their search for power and success, they can be relentless and enduring. Usually their mutual ambitions seal them together. If jealousy does not get in the way, they could accomplish a great deal.
Snake Husband and Horse Wife
Each has a different approach to life. He is cautious, tenacious and strong-willed -- his goals are long-term. She is adventurous, mercurial and impatient. She cares more for the joys of the moment. He is consistent in his endeavors; she is impulsive, quick-witted but consistent. He finds her irresponsible and hard to keep up with, while she dislikes his serious, calm and deliberate mental deductions. Not a very satisfying union for either.
Snake Husband and Sheep Wife
Companionable only to a certain extent. The lusty Snake may like to get wrapped around the object of his affections but he won't like it when the Sheep clings to him indefinitely. He will feel trapped. The realistic and efficient Snake is basically an achiever. The Sheep is sensitive, sentimental and docile. He will sacrifice a great deal to realize his ambitions. She is self-indulgent and may be easily discouraged when the going gets rough. He is highly intelligent and she is highly emotional. They may find it hard to bridge the gaps in their relationship in times of difficulty.
Snake Husband and Monkey Wife
Will not go well together at all. A battle of wills and wits. Both are scheming and competitive. The Monkey could easily incite the Snake to anger and he on the other hand is not forgiving and will retaliate swiftly. She is opportunistic, insensitive and competent enough to challenge him; he is equally ambitious, conniving and set on having his way. A tug of war might occur to determine who is smarter. They seem to bring out the worst in each other and in this alliance neither may emerge with any benefits in the end.
Snake Husband and Rooster Wife
There are two brainy, calculating and very performance-oriented signs that will prefer power and money in the bank to holding hands romantically in rags and poverty. She is the efficient and perfect housekeeper. He is the brain behind each financial deal. They will share the same dreams for prestige and material security. The Snake is philosophical enough to put up with the Rooster's rambling and eccentric ways. In the end, he will still rely on his innate wisdom to make the decision. On the other hand, she is happy that he understands her and allows her to let off steam and run his life to a certain extent. In this combination each will be able to expend energy productively; they will have a strong spiritual and mental affinity for each other.
Snake Husband and Dog Wife
The Snake is power-hungry, cool and deliberate in his actions. The Dog is affectionate, loyal and fair. They may have mutual admiration for each other. But she will support him only to the extent her principles allow. He expects total commitment and adheres to the belief that the end will justify the means. Both have strong convictions. They may clash if she finds him straying from the righteous path. He must make hay while the sun shines and cannot understand why her conscience is so easily offended. She is not materialistic and cannot comprehend his fascination with wealth and power. Their disapproval of some of each other's ways may prevent a close relationship.
Snake Husband and Boar Wife
The Snake has unfailing determination and willpower. The Boar is easygoing and community spirited. He feels that she will not be able to understand him or further his career because of her indulgent and compromising attitude toward others. He is mystical, sophisticated and deep She is simple, trusting and naive. He finds her scruples unappealing and has no use for her goodwill unless there is a special motive behind it. She is incapable of figuring out his complex and doubting mind. The Snake could be aloof and uncaring for the Boar's sweetness and sincerity and the Boar's feelings will be hurt. Their diametrically opposed personalities cannot provide either with much happiness.
Horse Husband and Rat Wife
He requires physical as well as mental freedom. She is levelheaded, industrious and affectionate. She will be content to stay in a close.knit family; he must constantly explore uncharted seas. She is resourceful and thrifty. He is adventurous, flirtatious and changeable. They will not see eye to eye on how things should be done because of the differences in their temperament. The Rat views the Horse as selfish and inconsiderate. He finds her too bossy and possessive. After careful appraisal, neither may find each other appealing enough to join forces permanently.
Horse Husband and Ox Wife
Not very good prospects for happy cohabitation here. He is too versatile, high-strung and outgoing for the organized, proper and dedicated Ox woman. He is always giddy with excitement and she is too sober to share his zest. He finds her very respectable but too undemonstrative and rigid. She feels she cannot depend on him because of his lighthearted and unpredictable moods. He finds her humorless and difficult to work or play with. Her man must be more disciplined and responsible. These two have very little in common.
Horse Husband and Tiger Wife
There will be a spirit of unity between these two signs. The same animated, lively and passionate outlook at life bonds them to each other. He is captivated by her vivacious personality and she is greatly attracted to his colorful, vibrant and self-assured manners. Both are active, affable and appealing. The Horse can manage to keep the money coming in and the Tiger is at her best as his radiant and charming hostess. Since they share the same philosophy, they will gravitate toward the same goals. Much togetherness can be achieved in this marriage.
Horse Husband and Rabbit Wife
These two parties may not find accord in such a relation because of the differences in their personalities. He is annoyed by her detached, cautious and impeccable ways. She can be affectionate, inspired and very personable once he can reassure her that he is a dedicated and capable provider and family man. But he does not care to have her or anyone else anchor their hopes all on him, so off he goes in whatever direction he pleases. No doubt he will perform well but the tender Rabbit cannot stand uncertainty and insecurity. As a result, both will be discontented and unhappy.
Horse Husband and Dragon Wife
Moderate rewarding partnership. He is versatile and ingenious while she is always enthusiastic about taking on new and exciting projects. If she is not engrossed in her own profession, the Dragon lady may want to transfer her idealistic views and objectives to her high-spirit, adventurous and equally outgoing spouse. He is perceptive enough to judge the chances for success in their venture, while she is persuasive and powerful enough to deal with his inconsistencies. They will both lead a brisk and roving life as neither are domestic enough to stay meekly at home.
Horse Husband and Snake Wife
An unlikely match. Both are mentally agile and realistic. But while he is mercurial and needs freedom and variety, she can be resistant to change and resentful of his rash and self-centered ways. She may be too determined, private and refined for his strong preferences, and in turn the Snake woman may not find the Horse appetites persistent enough to be worth her while. They both have to be very unselfish to make this marriage work.
Horse Husband and Horse Wife
Teamwork and cooperation are possible because they can work at similar speeds. It would be better if they were born in different seasons so as to provide more variety to their relationship. Both are passionate but independent and restless. Their witty, lively, materialistic and adventurous personalities may make life very hectic but does not guarantee that they will get anywhere unless one of them is skillful enough to control the other. They may not be able to build a solid foundation for a home, as they are both bored by routine and restrictions.
Horse Husband and Sheep Wife
She is delicate, sensitive and kind-hearted. He is cheerful and practical enough to inject humor and purpose into her life. He can be easygoing with the gentle Sheep, who is compassionate enough to overlook his selfishness if he can liven up her moods and teach her the quickest route around her magnified problems. HE will be grateful for a please and warm home and will find the Sheep concerned enough about him to adjust her way of life to his inherent needs. Each will complement the other and this could be a very happy marriage indeed.
Horse Husband and Monkey Wife
Both are adaptable and intelligent enough to leap over obstacles barring their progress. But their very similarities may breed mutual contempt. Because, just as he is practical and opportunistic, she can be equally unscrupulous. She is versatile and adroit and he may irritate her by his shrewd and mercurial movements. The Monkey is bright and beguiling while the Horse is equally witty and persuasive. They may end up trying to con each other into submission.
Horse Husband and Rooster Wife
Incongruous but sometimes workable arrangement. He is witty and skillful while she may be frank, knowledgeable and zealous. He could start something magnificent and then dash off when he gets bored. The efficient Rooster will complain and no doubt criticize his lack of dedication, but she will sort out the details and finish the job. He is too high-spirited and detached to be really annoyed by her outspoken and faultfinding ways. He may not even stay around long enough for her to finish the lecture. He is the colorful and vigorous performer and she is the most capable of administrators. Neither is too sensitive to be greatly disturbed by the faults of the other if they find the union productive enough.
Horse Husband and Dog Wife
A lasting and cooperative math. Both are animated and demonstrative persons who can find real joy in their union. The Dog is loyal, honest and sincere enough to follow the Horse's excellent vibrations. She will be impressed by his intelligent, high-spirited and perceptive ways, while he loves her sense of humor, reason and logic. The Dog is realistic enough to understand and accept the Horse's shortcomings, while he will not take offence at her curt, observant and straightforward manner.
Horse Husband and Boar Wife
He is persuasive, magnetic and appealing and will be able to convince the compromising and good-natured Boar to concede to his wishes. She is kind-hearted and sociably inclined enough to enjoy activities with the gay Horse, but then again, she is a devoted soul and craves for more togetherness and affection than the self-centered horse can provide. He, on the other hand, is not amused when she is too conforming, and considerate enough to please everyone else besides him. Both may have some difficulty coming to terms with each other's weakness.
Sheep Husband and Rat Wife
Both are charming and capable of great warmth and tenderness but that is where the similarities end. The Rat is resourceful, inquisitive and hard working. The Sheep husband is likely to take life too easy for his industrious spouse. She saves and treasures money, while he splurges and indulges his whims. She is alert, practical and levelheaded. He is creative but emotional and sometimes indolent. She can be fussy and faultfinding when irked. He finds her too shrewd and conniving to communicate with. There may not be a great deal of give and take in this union, since the partners have difficult understanding each other.
Sheep Husband and Ox Wife
The Sheep is artistic and leisurely. He must savor and enjoy life as he pleases. The Ox lady is dutiful enough to keep house and take good care of her family, but she will not relish complying with his indulgent and impractical demands. He must be loved and appreciated to bring out the best in him. She expects order and discipline and will tend to be too commanding for the Sheep. She is resolute and uncompromising and feels she must make optimum use of her time and energy. He is artistic and must wait for the right mood to strike him. She is impatient and scornful of his soft ways and he is thoroughly adverse to regimentation and being pushed around. Drastic changes needed for both sides to cohabit peacefully.
Sheep Husband and Tiger Wife
The Sheep is a domestic soul and needs affection and understanding. The Tiger lady is temperamental and unconventional. He is easily hurt by her sudden bursts of fury and dramatic scenes. He is genteel and needs a quiet and comfortable home, while she is all for a fast life and cannot put up with his unhurried and worrying ways. She is too strong for his liking. He is too weak to handle her effectively. Both may end up displeased in this combination.
Sheep Husband and Rabbit Wife
These two personalities may be compatible to a very high degree. If the astust and inscrutable suave Rabbit wife takes the lead, she can help the Sheep to perform great things with his inherent talents. The Rabbit is gentle enough for the sentimental and at, times, passive Sheep, but she is decisive and shrewd where he tends to be too generous or compassionate. She will provide him with the right environment to work well in and he will be grateful for her guidance and subtle way of steering him onto the right path. Both are sensitive to and solicitous of each other's moods. In this marriage they could accumulate more than just love and happiness.
Sheep Husband and Dragon Wife
Moderately workable arrangement. The Sheep could be fascinated by the Dragon's brilliance and dominant ways. She, on the other hand, could be drawn to his kindness, devotion and sincerity. On the darker side, the Sheep may be too timid to try out the Dragon's super ambitious undertakings and she may find him too reserved and unadventurous to meet her scale. He will be able to depend on her for encouragement, but she could push him beyond his level of endurance. A trying tie for both in this union.
Sheep Husband and Snake Wife
Things will not be completely idyllic in this marriage, but it could work out if both sides make sincere efforts. Both of them are materialistic and receptive to beauty and refinement; these aspects could seal their union. However, the Sheep lacks the perseverance of the scheming Snake. She, on the other hand, could be too secretive and distrustful for the sensitive nature of the Sheep. She is calculating and guided by her wisdom where he is emotional and led by his artistic inclinations. They could disapprove of each other in some areas and succeed in others. The Snake's unfaltering determination could be a valuable asset for the Sheep to cling to.
Sheep Husband and Horse Wife
He is domesticated and home-loving enough to provide a secure base for the restless Horse lady. On the other hand, she is happy and affable enough to complement his depressed moods. He may be jealous and possessive while she is independent and impulsive. But the Horse is not sensitive enough to take the Sheep's self-pitying ways too seriously. She is capable, delightful and quick at catching on to delicate signals. He could curb her freedom by providing her with enough variety and attractive options to stay and spice up his life. A strong and possibly enduring marriage.
Sheep Husband and Sheep Wife
The Sheep cares deeply for the welfare of his family, but in this combination the Sheep wife may turn out to be the stronger of the two. Both love luxury and dependency too much but they could succeed as a unit if they combine their strengths. He will assume responsibility when there is no one else around to do so, and she loves to be the power behind the scene. Both are good homemakers and compassionate enough to put up with each other's weak points. They should be careful about being too protective or indulgent with their children.
Sheep Husband and Monkey Wife
No deep or permanent attraction here, as the Monkey is too intricate and egotistical for the Sheep. He is more subdued in taste, action, and her expertise and craftiness will upset and worry him. He cannot keep up with her inconsiderate demands no matter how good-natured and obliging he may be. She is clever and appealing and will lead him about once she discovers his weak points. He is creative, pure-minded and compassionate but these qualities will go unappreciated since the Monkey prefers someone more conniving and shrewd.
Sheep Husband and Rooster Wife
He is kind-hearted and considerate enough to make a sincere effort at anything. She loves to investigate, analyze and administer other people's lives. He is pessimistic and subjective; she is optimistic and objective. Her energetic and dauntless attitude could scare the sensitive and unobtrusive Sheep. He finds her too meticulous, argumentative and sharp for his taste. She, on the other hand, will say it is difficult to deal with one as sentimental and self-indulgent as he. They have vast similarities in their basic outlooks, which may prevent them from enduring each other's peculiarities easily.
Sheep Husband and Dog Wife
This relationship will probably not work as the Dog is too realistic and will naturally criticize the Sheep's indulgence and enumerate his weaknesses, thus making him more pessimistic than ever. She is reasonable and affectionate enough, but not always willing to resort to the little white lies necessary to placate his touchy feelings. He needs a lot of compassion and support to be able to put his best side forward. She is unsympathetic and hardy and can be irked by his complaining and self-gratification. Not much congeniality here as each tends to bring out the other's negative traits.
Sheep Husband and Boar Wife
A sound marriage because of the objoius lack of friction. Both do not mind making concessions and like to have their activities centered on their home. The Boar is gregarious and not as sensitive as the Sheep, who may take offence easily because of his reticent nature. She is less extravagant than he and could be more sociable and outgoing, thereby reducing his shyness. On the other hand, he can make up for lack of refinement and is responsive to her ardent need for warmth and cooperation.
Monkey Husband and Rat Wife
These two partners will work most constructively together. She is a happy and competent homemaker, while he is the great strategist that she will be immensely proud of. The Rat could get the enchanting Monkey to settle down nicely and he will adore her industry and parsimony. They will be constantly discovering desirable qualities in each other, and their marriage will be rewarding, fulfilling and financially auspicious.
Monkey Husband and Ox Wife
Both are egotistical and forceful to coexist happily. He is an extrovert, a natural showman. She is an introvert and reticent. No doubt both parties have excellent positive sides but they may not have a chance to display them. He has an innate superiority complex and considers her dull and unimaginative. She may be blunt and proud and will no mince words when it comes to pointing out his flaws. They will both have to exercise great control over their basic urges to achieve any kind of rapport.
Monkey Husband and Tiger Wife
Not a very harmonious combination and these two may not find much happiness in their union. Both are allergic to restraints of any kind and will not like playing second fiddle to anyone. They are both apt to think only in terms of "I" and are goaded by strong ambition and self-esteem. The Tiger can be arrogant when not given her way and the Monkey is naturally cunning and suave in his undertakings. They could regard each other with doubts and secret reservations. One has to be more masterful in order to control the other. So there may always be a struggle as to who can do better.
Monkey Husband and Rabbit Wife
He is a positive and innovative thinker and a captivating performer. She is very personal and well mannered, although somewhat superficial. Both can be diplomatic and inscrutable about obtaining their objectives. The Monkey needs a lot of attention and compliments to keep him charming and companionable. The Rabbit is drawn toward quiet surroundings rather than active pursuits. He delights in controversy; she abhors dissent. They have totally different approaches toward life. In the end, both are realistic about their situation and will either adjust accordingly or seek a better solution.
Monkey Husband and Dragon Wife
One of the best matches, as they will both be able to harness their positive forces and achieve lasting unity and success together. Both are aware, aggressive and very ambitious. The Monkey is practical and crafty while the Dragon has more than enough willpower and energy for two. He will plan while she will set their goals higher each time. He loves challenges and she gives him great reassurance by standing behind him through thick and thin. Both will indulge each other, exchange ideas and work in harmony.
Monkey Husband and Snake Wife
Both may tend to magnify the frailties of the opposite party. He is lively, outgoing and enterprising while she is persevering, ambitious and sophisticated. No doubt they are in the same big league but they cannot help challenging and at times opposing each other because of their natural jealousy and inborn suspicious inclinations. Both may have to be more sincere and straightforward before they can feel comfortable with each other.
Monkey Husband and Horse Wife
Both partners in this union are versatile, flexible and outgoing. Whether or not they can coexist in a spirit of goodwill will rest largely on their efforts to control their self-centered personalities. Neither is long on endurance, and they will not persevere in working out their differences if one finds the other lagging behind. They are both independent and practical individuals who can cooperate well if they want to, as they possess the same quick mind and keen faculties.
Monkey Husband and Sheep Wife
The Sheep lady loves to play house but she may make too many demands on the wily Monkey. He may be flattered by her attentiveness but still finds her flaws outweighing her virtues. She, on the other hand, is no match for the calculating and evasive Monkey, who may not always take her seriously. The Sheep stands to lose more in this bargain, as the Monkey will exploit her kind and generous nature. Each is on a different wavelength in this union.
Monkey Husband and Monkey Wife
A combination that could be binding if envy does not get in the way. If they can think in terms of "we" instead of "I", they can achieve much together. No problem will be too great for them if they meet it in the true spirit of cooperation. Monkeys can rise above pettiness and jealousy if they learn to share the good with the bad. These two could live in harmony if they are willing to stick to each other and not blame each other in the face of adversity.
Monkey Husband and Rooster Wife
Both are ambitious and crave acclaim and recognition. These two materialistic and similarly powerful personalities may clash more often than they cooperate if they insist on maintaining their affections. The Monkey man likes to get things done with a minimum of fuss and supervision. He prides himself on his ingenuity and innate capabilities. The Rooster girl is efficient and fastidious. She's prone to looking over his shoulder and picking up on his imperfections. They try each other's patience and endurance. He cannot stand her questioning and love for argument. She finds him too sure of himself and conceited to pay her many minds, let alone heed the advice she readily dishes out. Both are going to find the ride pretty rough unless they are willing to admit to some of their inherent shortcomings and meet the other halfway.
Monkey Husband and Dog Wife
A good marriage with the partners usually favorably disposed to each other. The Monkey is productive enough and generally smart and sociable. The Dog wife will be cooperative and congenial if he expresses genuine desire to work together. He is apt to be more materialistic and ambitious than she is and will pleased if she does not try to overtake or outdo him in performance. She, on the other hand, is captivated by the Monkey's many-sided personality. He finds her a strong and refreshingly unpretentious ally and advisor. She loves his talents but could take a dim view of his envious and conniving traits; he may find her inspiring and fair-minded practices a bit restricting at times. Otherwise, both are well balanced and intelligent enough to make necessary concessions.
Monkey Husband and Boar Wife
They may be strong attraction for each in this combination, but the trials of everyday married life could wear it away. The Boar lady is prodding, energetic and staunchly devoted to her loved ones and her goals, but she operates more on blind faith, and in this case the Monkey cannot resist the urge to take advantage of her innocent nature. She, on the other hand, benefits from his financial acumen and guile but is not impressed by his unscrupulous and opportunistic ways. He fins her over conscientious about spreading goodwill about. He could also resent her extravagant generosity at his expense. Both may not need extra efforts to put up with one another's frailties.
Rooster Husband and Rat Wife
He is analytical and a perfectionist; she is stimulating, practical and quite brainy in her own right. He is bossy, dogmatic, and prone to giving lectures. She is balky about criticism and can be sharp and petty when offended. He lacks the sensitivity and warmth she seeks in mate. Her resourcefulness and competence make her unwilling to follow his orders blindly. Not a promising match for either party. They tend to agitate each other unnecessarily.
Rooster Husband and Ox Wife
An excellent and lasting union for both. He is open, frank and brave and makes up for her reserve and restraint. He is also hard working and serious enough for the Ox's love of dignity and prestige. His security-consciousness will certainly appeal to the steadfast and resolute Ox lady. In response to his sunny and optimistic ways, the Ox may become less undemonstrative and be prodded on to more achievements. She is likely to be the more prudent and down to earth of the two, and in spite of his noisy and competent discourse, the Rooster will love to lean on his strong and noble Ox wife. They will find each other responsible and dedicated.
Rooster Husband and Tiger Wife
A turbulent and spicy marriage. Both are active and progressive souls but they have wide differences in their personalities. He is too egotistic and eccentric for the colorful Tiger lady and she is too much of a fighter to ever concede defeat in the face of his fastidious criticisms. Under different circumstances, they may be energetic and diligent, but in this combination they may be stubborn and petty.
Rooster Husband and Rabbit Wife
They are unlikely to ever find their ideal love in each other. Their personalities may clash strongly because both are vexed by each other's negative traits. He is outspoken, exacting and overzealous in his cutting criticism. She is an artistic and reticent intellectual who may be a bit self-indulgent and unwilling to work hard. When the industrious and ruthlessly efficient Rooster gets through with her, she may feel like a victim of the Inquisition. Needless to say, the Rabbit will be defiant and uncommunicative. The Rooster's lack of tact and indelicate ways are not intentional, but he cannot avoid hurting the Rabbit, who thrives on sympathy and consideration.
Rooster Husband and Dragon Wife
An excellent and productive marriage combination. The Rooster is analytical and brainy and will be drawn to the bold and bright personality of the Dragon lady. She will immediately recognize his inherent worth and intellectual prowess. Together they can achieve success in their aspirations. She is purposeful and not easily conquered or frightened into submission by his bossy aggressiveness. She can and will be able to dismiss his low equaciousness with a shrug, as she is bound to have a few peculiarities of her own that he will have to bear. He finds her enthusiasm and energy boundless and exhilarating. She will not resent his running her affairs provided he looks upon her as an equal and respects her opinions.
Rooster Husband and Snake Wife
The exuberant and intrepid Rooster man could brighten up the Snake's serious view of life and bolster her spirits as well. A prosperous union for both. The are both intellectuals but on different levels. She is serene, reflective and deliberate; he is overcharged with zeal and dauntless optimism. This union provides them with the opportunity to balance the scales and offset each other's excesses.
Rooster Husband and Horse Wife
A smooth marriage is not indicated as each other easily irritate these two strong-minded individuals. He can be provocative and undiplomatic and will castigate her for her high living and lack of steadiness. But she is too sophisticated, witty and flamboyant to settle for the simple and hard-working life he has planned. The Rooster may have grandiose ideas but his methods are dependable and precise. In the opposite corner, the Horse may be more practical and realistic about her goals but she is unpredictable and inconsistent in her method of application. He cannot comprehend her changeable ways and she cannot abide his strict routine and obsession with facts and figures.
Rooster Husband and Sheep Wife
The tough-minded Rooster has the stamina to match his taste for work and perfection. The Sheep is kind-hearted, emotional and dependent. He may patronize her need to cling to someone, but cannot be expected to put up with her self-pitying and indulgent ways. He can deal better with facts than with her tender feelings. She can understand his optimistic drive and ambitions, but may find him too cold, calculating and particular. She is genteel and easily hurt and could pack up and go home to Mama if he censures her too much or too often. The tolerance factor in this combination is very low.
Rooster Husband and Monkey Wife
Most likely to result in a cool and defensive union unless both partners can alter their behavior suitably. The Monkey could have the annoying habit of grabbing what she wants and hanging on to it, oblivious of what others may feel. He is too rigorous and stringent to let her get away with this. She is not amused, on the other hand, by his skillful and parsimonious ways, nor impressed with his gift for oratory and debate. She possesses equal powers of rhetoric and will provoke him to anger. They tend to rub each other the wrong way. The will only cooperate when the inducement to do so is irresistible.
Rooster Husband and Rooster Wife
Both are virtuous personalities but this match could provoke an unhealthy "holier than thou" attitude between these contenders. They are both peevish and often obsessed with their own views and will not pay much heed to the opinions of the other. However, these two are also duty-oriented and have conscientious and responsible natures. Who knows, they may be able to relinquish some of their demanding ways to achieve common goals. Then again, both are argumentative and opinionated, and there may be endless discussions before they sign the Peace Treaty or agree to call a truce.
Rooster Husband and Dog Wife
No doubt both parties here have fine minds, value their integrity and are proud of them. However, in spite of their self-assurance and poise, they are also very outspoken. If the Rooster starts to nag and grumble about the Dog's frailties, she could respond by throwing harmony out the window and giving him some scalding rhetoric of her own. Both parties have sharp tongues and could hurt each other quite painfully. A workable relationship only if one of them is unselfish and sensible enough to entice the other to lay down arms.
Rooster Husband and Boar Wife
The Boar is trusting and easygoing. She accepts things at face value and will politely skim the surface instead of offending others. The Rooster makes pointed accusations; he is the unrelenting private eye who has to get to the root of the problem even if it means upsetting everyone's apple cart in the process. The Boar is an independent thinker but is always receptive to suggestions, while he is observant about every detail. She would love to take his advice if only he could put a little sugar on it. She is prone to being naive and easily imposed on by others. She may have need of his sharp faculties. This could be the one common denominator of their marriage.
Dog Husband and Rat Wife
A union which could develop fairly well if they have strong mutual interests. They are both sensible and outgoing and could find contentment because of the lack of friction in this marriage. She may be more affectionate and thrifty but the Dog is reasonably easygoing and tactful enough to avoid bickering with her on unimportant issues. Both will try to give each other enough breathing space to ensure freedom of expression and movement about their house.
Dog Husband and Ox Wife
Both are faithful and loyal and will take their conjugal duties seriously. Their difficulties could arise from the Ox's overbearing attitude and rigid opinions. The Dog prefers free speech and equality and may not humor the narrow-minded Ox for too long. The Ox, on the other hand, may resent the Dog's over direct and outspoken ways; she can nurse grievances for a long time. They both shun pettiness and injustice, but are sometimes guilty of these faults themselves. A relationship that needs a lot of understanding and compromise.
Dog Husband and Tiger Wife
Both are idealistic by nature and have the same humanitarian interests. The Dog can be more objective and logical than the animated but hotheaded Tigress. He is thus able enough to advise her when she gets too emotional or impulsive. He is diplomatic and unbiased and will persuade her to see reason without touching any of her sensitive spots. The Tiger, on the other hand, is demonstrative, affectionate and honest with her feelings, which the Dog likes, and her sanguine disposition could live up any relationship. They will feel completely at ease with each other. A well-suited match that should enhance this couple's unpretentiousness and generous personalities. A combination that will bring out the best in both.
Dog Husband and Rabbit Wife
A good and lasting match. The Rabbit is imaginative, charming and diplomatic. The Dog is straightforward but agreeable in manner. Both enjoy honest fun and entertainment, but will prefer activities that have useful purposes. They have innately cooperative spirits and will allow each other a fair degree of independence and assertiveness. She has a strong need for comfort and luxury, while he is less materialistic and more understanding. Both will have little difficulty in putting up with each other's peculiarities. A union that should bring out the best in each of the partners.
Dog Husband and Dragon Wife
Each may have the wrong chemistry for the other. Their basic dispositions are uncomplimentary and they may opt to disperse their energies in different directions. Both have leadership abilities but in totally different directions. The Dog loves cooperation and may resent the Dog's audacious, high-handed and overpowering tactics. She may find him taciturn and erratic if she pushes him too much; the Dog has a reputation for being pugnacious and acidly sharp when hurt. Neither can conform easily to the other's wishes and this could only be a love-hate relationship at its best.
Dog Husband and Snake Wife
He is levelheaded and open-minded but may still be puzzled by her mystique. She has a fair respect for his intelligence but is inclined toward more sophistication and luxury than the unmaterialistic Dog can endure. Both lack the proper understanding to ever be totally enchanted with each other's personality, but may be realistic enough to have an amicable life together if each can accept the other for what he or she is.
Dog Husband and Horse Wife
This will be a happy and fruitful match, as these two people have a sound understanding of each other's needs and deficiencies. The Dog is honorable and intelligent enough to work well with the capable Horse. He also admires her keen knowledge of timing and strategy, while she finds him reasonable and practical enough to depend on. They will both get the cooperation they seek and still be able to enjoy the degree of individualism and independence they require.
Dog Husband and Sheep Wife
They may have strong or weak conflicts of interest, but this sort of union will make both partners less amiable than they normally are. She is too sentimental and her wistful ways will serve to irritate the logical Dog, who will be more curt and impatient than sympathetic. She is tolerant and unselfish when handled correctly, but in this case she may become withdrawn and dejected by the Dog's hardy and direct manner. In the final analysis, both may find that they have too little in common to bear the strain of their different personalities.
Dog Husband and Monkey Wife
A workable and fairly positive match if both are generous and forgiving enough to discount the other's frailties. The Monkey wife will admire the Dog for his sensible approach and logical outlook; no one knows the value of intelligence more than she. He, on the other hand, sees her as a capable go-getter and will appreciate her witty and charming personality. She is the more materialistic of the two and he is the more idealistic. She values tangible wealth. He puts his principles first. Together they could contentedly travel the middle of the road.
Dog Husband and Rooster Wife
A cool to moderate coexistence is in store for this couple. Both are discriminating and forthright souls who may be easily displeased with each other's faults. Normally, they may strive harder to be more agreeable, but this match could bring out their most offensive traits, making them willful and uncompromising. Both are too quick to retaliate when challenged and can be fierce fighters. The Dog is nice and easygoing only as long as you keep out of his hair. The Rooster is virtuous and equally sincere in her efforts, but she has much too rigid an outlook to suit the Dog. She will make him feel like she is out to reform him and he will never stand for that.
Dog Husband and Dog Wife
They are reasonably compatible. Both have the same warm and stable nature although the female of the species may be the more outspoken and critical of the pair. An idealistic and conscientious couple who will seek and value each other's opinions. Dogs are fairly conforming in marital relationships and will perform well they desire harmony. No large problems in this union if they will consult and respect each other. They should always make joint decisions as neither can tolerate being left out.
Dog Husband and Boar Wife
This couple may have quite dissimilar personalities but could still maintain a fairly agreeable relationship. He is dependable and sharp enough for her to rely on, while she is loving, uncomplaining and affectionate enough for him to have comfortable feeling togetherness. They are not averse to mutual concessions and will share whatever they have with each other. A union that will be happy because neither will need to harp on the other's weakness.
Boar Husband and Rat Wife
There is a good measure of attraction between these two and they will strive to have a companionable and peaceful relationship. Both are outgoing, sociable and energetic and will probably center their life around their home, their friends and their mutual interests, which will include a good deal of entertaining. This couple will be drawn to active pursuits and have definite ideas about their involvement. She could be the more sensitive and prudent of the two, while he is positive but too conciliatory at times for his own good. He may have need of her counsel.
Boar Husband and Ox Wife
An acceptable union but unlikely to be a strong one. Their different outlook and behavioral patterns will engender underlying friction. As a rule the Boar is warm, generous and understanding, but the Ox lady may only notice his sensuality and love of extravagance and find him too immoderate for her needs. On the other side, the Ox's predilection for hard work and constant security and self-discipline may unnerve the Boar. He is a jovial, gregarious and open and he works only to ensure his leisure. She is serious, systematic and rigid and finds contentment in her labors.
Boar Husband and Tiger Wife
A warm and gratifying union, as each side has a strong desire to please the other. Both are affectionate, dynamic and progressive in their basic attitude and will complement each other. He is kind and understanding enough to cope with the unpredictable and exciting moods of the Tiger, while she finds him devoted, courageous and unselfish. The Tiger is usually repentant for her outbursts when she meets no opposition, and the Boar's good humor and compassionate ways will bring out the best in her and make her more compliant to his wishes.
Boar Husband and Rabbit Wife
The Boar is courageous and dedicated enough for the quiet and well-mannered Rabbit. She is sagacious, resilient and subtle enough to impart some of her astuteness to him without his noticing. He finds her kind and cautious and will lavish on her both his affections and the luxuries she lies. The Boar is selfless enough not to seek more than the Rabbit can give and she will be happy to be the object of his attentions and generosity. Both could feel enriched by this union.
Boar Husband and Dragon Wife
A fairly successful relationship in which the gains will probably outweigh the losses. Both are ardent and forceful, although in different ways. The powerful Dragon wife could stimulate any spouse into action or break him in the process. The Boar is not averse to bending to the desires of his loved one and will be tireless in his efforts to achieve success and win her approval. They are evenly matched in energy and love of physical exertion. Their mutual flaw is that they are both too responsive to stimuli and could be easily carried away by enthusiasm and excesses. There may be no one to apply the brakes.
Boar Husband and Snake Wife
The aesthetic Snake cannot stand the Boar's sincere but mundane and simple ways. He finds her too complex and secretive. The Snake is too highly evolved, ambitious and profound for the over indulgent and trusting Boar. She will not approve of his open and easygoing manners and will be aloof and unsympathetic to him. The Boar, in turn, will find the Snake's uncommunicative and coldly calculating attitude very disconcerting. Both will suffer from unfulfilled expectations and a lack of appreciation for each other's positive traits.
Boar Husband and Horse Wife
They are both pleasure seekers, have very sociable personalities, and could benefit each other to a certain extent. She is imaginative and resourceful while he is dependable and good-natured. The Boar admires the Horse's animated and cheerful ways, and she finds his devotion and honest fortitude very pleasing. They both understand the value of compromise and will have an active and involved marriage without stepping on each other's toes. They will opt to live their life to the fullest. On the darker side, neither party will worry too much about tomorrow.
Boar Husband and Sheep Wife
A warm, intimate marriage for this couple. Both will give their best to the union and have a deep love and genuine concern for one another. The Boar is sturdy, gallant and thoughtful enough to please the gentle and compassionate Sheep lady. She, on the other hand, will mother him and make him the object of her worship. He is sensual and simple and will interpret her possessiveness as true love and devotion. The Boar is generous and protective, and the Sheep will perform her best when she knows she is loved and appreciated, as she will be in this union.
Boar Husband and Monkey Wife
A fairly civil union, but they may not be really fascinated by each other's real personality. The Boar is too straightforward and scrupulous for the complicated Monkey. She has more pungent tastes and the Boar will definitely be too bland. On the other hand, while the Monkey is deviously charming, her basic intricacy and pretentiousness may prove too much for him. Both are bound to be irritated and bruised by the incapacity of the other. Still, they could make a go of this match if they can figure each other out and concentrate on their positive qualities.
Boar Husband and Rooster Wife
Could turn out to be a feasible match if both parties make the proper concessions. There will be areas of disagreement, but both have the capacity to work out differences if they admire each other enough. The Boar may be too passionate and warm for the analytical and mentally inclined Rooster, while she is too argumentative and knowledgeable to follow or love him blindly. However, on the positive side, neither is too thin-skinned and criticism will slide off their backs like water. He is honest and accommodating and has a true need for her diligent and critical mind, and while she is capable and self-confident, she will have every need for the diplomacy and reliability of the affable Boar.
Boar Husband and Dog Wife
A kind and agreeable relationship despite their differing attitudes toward life. Both are robust, open and honest and like doing their best whenever possible. However, the Dog could be aggressive and will not withhold her criticism if the Boar is too self-indulgent or lax in his duties. She is not as passionate as he, and may lack understanding of his large appetites and sensuality. Still, they could find common grounds for cooperation as the Dog has more insight than the Boar and will be loyal to him. Likewise, the Boar is tolerant and generous enough to forgive the Dog's peculiarities and see her as the trustworthy and noble ally she is.
Boar Husband and Boar Wife
A combination that could work out well if they can take the good with the bad. Being born under the same sign, both will be strong, courageous and modest, but they may lack direction and tenacity and may not be able to strengthen each other's weak points. Sincerity and goodwill without resolute and systematic organization could wreak havoc for two such well-meaning people. One of them will have to be unemotional and disciplined enough to face reality and adversity, otherwise their mutual love and loyalty will not be much protection for them.
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Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
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